Chapters 8 and 9 – Ness receives the PDA in the mail from Dr. Bertrand. He discovers it is a time machine. While experimenting with it, he finds he and the PDA are the objects of a desperate search by Glenn and his goons. Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting “Save target as…”Read More →

Chapters 5, 6, and 7 – Glenn attempts to retrieve the PDA using his many skills and talents. Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting “Save target as…”Read More →

Chapters 2, 3, and 4 – Dr. Bertrand suffers an unusual end. Glenn intercepts the officers responding to the subsequent 9-1-1 call. Ness Relevant works a murder scene at a local water park, and a little of his past is revealed. Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting “Save target as…”Read More →

Here it is – the first episode of Borrowed Time. Enjoy! Prologue and Chapter 1 – Dr. Francis Bertrand is working on modifications to a PDA with unusual properties when his work is interrupted by a visitor. A week later, Paul Robbins and John Felch, executives at Intellisys Research, deal with the sudden disappearance of Bertrand and his device. Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting “Save target as…”Read More →

Here is the live promo In preparation for TOMORROWS launch of Borrowed Time. Enjoy and prepare yourself for the goodness to follow! If you are a podcaster please play this on your show. Download the promo here by right clicking and selecting “Save target as…”Read More →

I am excited to announce that Borrowed Time will launch on on July 15 in conjunction with This has been a long time coming, and I am looking forward to sharing the first episodes with you. That’s right, I said episodes, with an “s.” On July 15 you will get not one, not two, not three or four episodes, you will get the first FIVE episodes of the Borrowed Time podiobook straight to your podcatcher, newsreader, or iTunes for your listening pleasure. Whether you subscribe to the book via or, you will get all five episodes on July 15. After that,Read More →